Human Resources

We can describe our human resources policy as choosing the right people, deploy same, collect all of our employees around the same mission, vision, strategy and a common corporate culture, provide an environment based on trust and stability among our employees, give them opportunities to develop themselves, create a growing and continuously learning team which is open to new ideas and maintain a long-term partnership.

It is human resources that make a company effective, vibrant and successful. Employees play a pivotal role in development. What leads a company to the path of success is the light in the eyes of employees, the power of their bodies and the love in their hearts.

Our success comes from our high-character team players who love their jobs and who are enthusiastic, competent, result-oriented with national, familial and spiritual values and loyal to their company.

Another important duty of us is to offer the young university students who have received theoretical information in their schools the opportunity to practice and minimize the compatibility issues which they will encounter in actual industry and make them preferred through employers. To adapt young people to working life by providing internship training which they can use as reference and which make it easier for them to find a job is among our main goals.